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Canteen problem by Richard Rhodes


Monday morning October 05, 2020 This morning The big wigs came in threatening people for all the grievances filed on the institution in the past 6 to 7 weeks concerning the starvation diet they have us on, the fact that our canteen was cut to nothing so we wouldn't be able to compensate for the lack of food being fed to us... For breakfast : Gruel and a dried hard piece of square bread ," much like cornbread "...Lunch: either a PB and J sandwich or a lunch meat sandwich... For dinner : the same thing...

Sometimes they'll toss in a half a dozen raw carrot coins , and or some raw shredded cabbage... If we are lucky, a green apple or half rotten Orange... When the bigwigs came through for inspection, an inmate asked one of the administrative heads, " When are we getting our regular menu and canteen returned to us? The administrative head stated, "Haven't you heard, this is a brand new DOC , life as you knew it no longer exist" The inmate then said to that admin head ," That isn't fair, we've done nothing to deserve this kind of treatment , I'm going to grievance this" ...At that point the warden being spoke to turned and told the admin Sgt., Lock this fuck boy up. Then turned to the rest of the wing and stated in a loud voice, "any of you other fuck boys want to file on me, knock yourselves out" " But if I hear one more sound out of any one, I'll lock every fucking one of you up and take away what little left of what you have... " He ended his rant by locking up half a dozen inmates just to prove his point... A number of us have written our attorneys seeking some kind of assistants ...What do we get ? A ton of useless smoke blown up our backsides... "Don't worry, we are on your side and are doing all we can to resolve these problems.

Pure bullshit... Truthfully, any defence attorney who would allow their court appoint clients to suffer this type of behavior at the hands of the state are no better then state agents themselves , and I place my own attorneys at the top of that list... Anyone that calls themselves a human being and turns a blind eye to this type of behavior is on the same level they place us... I've personally decided to have nothing more to do with my attorneys and their associates... In the past six weeks a number of inmates in population have died do to the covid -19 infection... How many were taken to the hospital in time to possibly save their lives ? NONE... Will you find their numbers among those who are counted in the free world ? NO...Why did they die? Because staff members not following state medical mandates came to work infected and passed that infection to the inmates... The Florida Department of Corrections is directly responsible for each and every inmates death do to the virus...Once again, find me one attorney who is trying to hold the state responsible for this abomination.... How many of us have to die before these sorry assed attorneys who are paid to look after our welfare get off their overpaid asses and do their jobs ??? Richard Rhodes #099269 / UCI / Florida's Death Row…

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