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Paul William Scott, his letter to French Coalition Against the Death Penalty (FCADP)


April 10, 2020

Dear Claudine,In addition to this, you need to know more about it.Let me tell you what you know. Tomorrow I have to write it down and send it to yours and he will send it to you. That's basically the point of all this fuss. First this. A hearing was held in April 2012 for my lawyer / Finta / to with lottery and he said my former lawyer / 1998 ____ 2008 / told him in a letter and on the phone that the Bush administration told him that if he continued to pursue my innocence and the media, he would sign my death warrant and kill me and a deal was made to do nothing. I appealed to the court and added that my appellate lawyer (1998-2008) was Mark Wilinski, but that he was in favor of leniency and friendship with the Bush administration.

1999-2004 was Ken Malnik, and over a period of time he brought in four different investigators, which is why the first one resigned. Paul J. Ciolino, Google investigator. he was on a famous American news program for 48 hours and became famous for taking charge of my business. we had losses and Ken decided to use a less expensive investment. to save money, there was no investment. they were actors. one was his nephew. the other was his secretary. My second lawyer told me that I had confronted Ken and he told me that an agreement had been reached with the Bush administration for 25 years leniency for life and parole in 3 years. Thanks to a reliable source, I learned that I was not going to get parole and asked for the same sentence as Kondian and Ken with Drew. It's no secret that attorney David Roth and attorney Kondian and the head of state were in bed together and for the right price you can get a deal. Keep in mind. The chief judge of Fl. Sup. Court was from Roth's law firm. Download Judge Jore Labarga ---- April 2009 ____ swearing in from the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom. Roth was the star !!! he sponsored the labargas / immigrants / family and university education and put it in his cabinet, then in the state attorney's office and finally in a judge. It's the American justice system, Claudia. They owned Palm Beach / the richest people in America / and then Fl. Sup. Cut. you see. Former judge Barbra Parienti was also involved and for 20 years she was from Palm Beach and friends with Roth for over 45 years. They have always won 4_ to 3_. . Lawyer Richard Lublin started with Roth and bonded with him, then left Gainesville solo and with Ken. 300 miles from P.Beach and a pissing anthill, he was Lublin's co-counsel and for 15 minutes in court he got $ 75,000. It was a probation deal from a billionaire son. I know the case :-) This is how lawyers help each other. In my case, Claudia, you know I escaped from the back. Kondian returned to his apartment and picked up his two roommates, including US star Sotullo, and they returned to Alessis' house and entered from the back, with three sets of footprints in Earth. The handle and the tip of the knife are bloody. 3 ropes have been cut and drops of blood lead to 3 places. The one who cut them was dripping with blood and my blood was not found. 3 glasses were on the coffee table. We each had a drink. There were no fingerprints on the glasses. I escaped through the patio door. no fingerprints were found on the door handle, either inside or outside. blood and fingerprints were found on the shower door. in 1979 it was declared unidentifiable. in 1996 it was tested and declared kondian. in letters to Valerie, kondian said he lost his ring and wallet in the fight. these were not found and that is why he returned. Driver's license. Identification action. They tied Alessi up and for some reason Kondian beat him to death. While he was showering, the other two were trying to clean his fingerprints, etc. I was at home, packing my bags to leave Florida. I had proof and more, but here is the result. Avocado David Roth is a mainstay of Florida and the Shit King and is associated with the rich and mighty dinosaurs of today and, if it turns out that I have been used and mentored etc. In short, kid. It's a monster story and able to stop the D.P. to say the least! Then yes. I've been used for real and I'll give you everything. I know. Damn, I don't believe it! !!!!!! Trust Joe. It is the Brain and the Boss. Strong people! ! My brother. Yes Claudine. It's a little too cold and rotten but I'm still alive to show it, tell it and prove it and I hope we can make a difference. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Peace. Butterfly.

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